With hundreds of species of native birds in our region, Wildcare receives thousands of calls every year to rescue birds. The most common reasons we are called to help a bird are because they have been hit by a car, fallen from a nest, or have string or another material tangled on a leg.
Most common birds we help:
Sulphur-crested Cockatoos
What to do if you find a sick, injured or orphaned bird:
If you find an animal that needs help call our 24/7 Helpline on (02) 6299 1966. You can also us the information below to help give the animal the best chance of survival while waiting for a rescuer.
Try contain the bird - If you feel safe doing so, put the bird in a cardboard box, or an animal carrier, with a towel underneath so it doesn’t slide around.
Put a towel over birds - For larger birds, or birds that bite, drop a towel over the top of them.
By following these steps, the bird will be secure preventing further injury or escape before our rescuers arrive.